15 November 2016
AFAS Stadion
Europe/Amsterdam timezone



Twee weken geleden kondigden we onze nieuwe bijeenkomst aan op 15 november: Kansen en Uitdagingen met Virtual Reality. Vandaag kunnen we ook onze sprekers aankondigen � en we zijn er trots op! Een gerenommeerde internationale gast die al 20 jaar onderzoek doet naar VR, en een drietal zeer gekwalificeerde experts uit Nederland.

Zoals eerder aangekondigd, kijken we naar �VR 360�, inclusief de productie en de distributie.


De sprekers zijn:

•  Dr. Nick Lodge : in his talk   �A Brief Exploration of 360° VR� .

•  Sander Schouten ,  Business Director Beyond Sports en Sales Director bij Triple:   �Beyond the dream: How virtual became reality�

•  Dajo Brinkman , Nokia OZO rental & 360/3D camera operator: � De Nokia OZO in de Praktijk�.

•  Ray van Brandenburg, Scientist en Innovator bij TNO: �Delivering High quality VR at Realistic Bitrates: Mission Impossible?�  


Nog even de logistiek:

15 november 2016

AFAS Stadion - AZ,

Stadionweg 1, 1812 AZ Alkmaar

Parkeerterrein P1, direct naast het stadion; de slagboom is open voor bezoekers en parkeren is gratis.


Het wordt wat eentonig voor onze trouwe bezoekers, maar enige vastigheid in het leven kan geen kwaad: de inloop start om 19:30; het programma begint om 20:00, en de borrel eindigt, zoals altijd, om 23:30.

Nick Lodge - A Brief Exploration of 360° VR

Never before has a visual medium received so much interest so far in advance of common standards for its: capture, processing, transmission and display.  Media creatives are still wrestling with its potential for everyday genres such as documentary, drama and live sport.  Psychologists are having field day trying to understand its sensory implications and potential health risks.  And even marketing people don't know how unpopular the headsets might be, remembering the glasses which contributed to the 3D boom-and-bust only a few years ago. In his brief talk Nick will try to make some sense of 360° VR!'

Sander Schouten - Beyond the dream: How virtual became reality

The European Championships 1988 were Sander's first impression of what a major sports event could be like. It changed his life. The Netherlands won their first and only Cup. That moment created his ambition to do something within the sports industry. Something meaningful and something that would make him part of the industry as a whole, to be able to change it for the better.

Well diversified and with a broad ambition to make things better, that is how Sander would describe himself. He started off as an account manager at a major media production firm and soon climbed in his role and landed the position of Business development manager and then Commercial Director. After that formative period, his path took a sudden turn and changed for the better. It lead him through technology company Triple as sales director, and into the future of sports. This is how Beyond Sports was born and this is how it is aiming to revolutionize the sports industry. Through technology into the next era: into the future.


Dajo Brinkman - De Nokia OZO in de Praktijk

Dajo Brinkman is a freelance 360 camera operator and Director of Photography with the Nokia OZO It was back in 2009, while viewing the camera turning over the drum kit in the screening of �U2 3D' in the cinema, that Dajo got addicted to 3D. From that moment on he knew that any content he would make, needed to be Stereoscopic. Dajo built his own 3D camera rig and along with trial and error he was able to project 3D stereoscopic content in his own living room. �The relation between 3D screen size and viewing distance" became his thesis topic at the film academy in 2015.

That same year Dajo also found another passion: Virtual Reality. Intrigued by this new and immersive way of sharing content he set a new goal of only filming in 360. There was only one condition; it had to be stereoscopic, and this became possible with the Nokia OZO. Working with the Nokia OZO, Dajo Brinkman gained experience with 360 film projects and films all over Europe. Dajo works with most of the major VR production companies in The Netherlands, and also with Vision3 from London, JauntVR, and Frontline from the US. 


Ray van Brandenburg - Delivering High quality VR at Realistic Bitrates: Mission Impossible?

Voor een kwalitatief goed VR-ervaring is bronmateriaal nodig van zeer hoge resolutie � denk aan 12k x 6k, of zelfs 16k x 8k.  De huidge VR-streamingoplossingen hebben één ding gemeen: ze streamen (bijna) allemaal de volledige resolutie, terwijl de consument slechts één-achtste van het totale panorama tegelijk kan zien in het �Head Mounted Device'. Er zijn wel oplossingen om van dat beeld slechts een deel te streamen, maar die hebben een te hoge motion-to-photon latency : als je je hoofd draait, zie je niets. Of iets in heel lage resolutie, en het duurt lang voordat je weer een goed beeld hebt. Ray en collega's hebben bij TNO �tiled streaming� ontwikkeld, een technologie die deze tekortkomingen oplost. Hij vertelt hoe de technologie werkt, en je kunt het uitproberen in de pauze.

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Met Vriendelijke Groet,

Het team van Dutch Guild


AFAS Stadion
Sadionweg 1 1812 AZ Alkmaar